Fire Department

[ˈfaiə diˈpɑ:tmənt]
  • 释义
  • 消防队,<英>火灾保险公司;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Early Monday morning, fire department said 42 major fires were still blazing out of control.

    周一上午早些时候, 消防部说42处主要的火灾依然在燃烧,无法控制.

  • 2、

    Standard on Use , Maintenance and Service Testing of Fire Department Ground Ladders.


  • 3、

    The fire department said that the whole building survived the blaze.


  • 4、

    But the fire department did not simply come charging in the front door.


  • 5、

    Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department.


  • 6、

    Better call Fire Department.


  • 7、

    The bridge had been hosed down by the fire department.


  • 8、

    Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Program.


  • 9、

    Will the Department of Master of ice. Fire Department of the skills can simultaneously learn?

    请问法师冰系. 火系技能能同时学 吗 ?

  • 10、

    The Fire Department came and put out the fire.


  • 11、

    The location of fire department connections shall be approved.


  • 12、

    Standard on Medical Requirements for Fire Fighters and Information for Fire Department Physicians.


  • 13、

    Attention please, this is the RiZhao Fire Department.

    请注意, 我们是日照消防.

  • 14、

    The emergency plan clearly and strongly fire area access until declared safe by fire department.


  • 15、

    This just theon fire the home, who also won't fire department close the door on.

    这恰如家中失火, 谁也不会把消防队拒之门外的.

  • 16、

    The Odessa Fire Department Operates 8 ALS Engines and 7 MICU Ambulances.


  • 17、

    Spotting her car pulling into the driveway, he calls the fire department.

    一发现她的车进入车道, 他就给消防署打电话.

  • 18、

    When there's a fire, people call fire department.

    有火灾时, 人们会打电话给消防队.

  • 19、

    There is a small health center and volunteer fire department, but little else.


  • 20、

    Attention please, this is the ShuangYaShan Fire Department.

    请注意, 我们是双鸭山消防.

  • 21、

    The attendant needs to call fire department to come get Mark out.


  • 22、

    Yesterday the sudden outbreak of forest fires caught the fire department off guard.


  • 23、

    The local fire department blocked the road with fire trucks and turned back motorists.


  • 24、

    As soon as the police and fire department arrived on the scene, a chase began.

    警消来到现场, 立刻展开追逐战.

  • 25、

    The Butler no longer calls the fire department if there is a fire outside thunder storm.


  • 26、

    Better call the Fire Department.


  • 27、

    If your house is on fire, you have to call the fire department.

    如果你家着火了, 你就要给消防大队打电话.
